The point of this kid, of course.

Chamberlyn's T1 Diabetes D-Day (Diagnosis Day) was October 19, 2010. I decided to start writing her story almost nine months later because managing her diabetes is what our family does best. We have our "highs" and "lows" when dealing with this confounding autoimmune disease, and I hope our posts can provide some insight on the daily life of a person with T1 diabetes.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Let's get Pumpin' already!!

We've been going through the "ordering of the pump" process since about mid-June. Today was the first day that I feel like we're getting somewhere. It's probably because we were asked what color pump Cham wanted (pink, of course), how long of tubing she needs, and what type of infusion set she wants (angled). We were also told how much it would cost us up front or out of pocket, and monthly. All I can say is, thank God for good insurance! So, hopefully within the next couple of days, we get the message that it's shipped and then we have to meet with someone to help us get started with it. Nothing like waiting until the end of the summer to learn something stressful and different than normal. Ugh.

Cham's been dancing all summer at her studio, taking tumbling, going to dance intensives and working her tail off. She's had the opportunity to learn from Alison Holker from SYTYCD and Anthony Gonzalez who appeared in the new Step-Up Revolution movie. She will attend a week long intensive at the Houston Met August 6 - 10 and learn from more great choreographers.

School starts August 27th - new school, new teachers, new nurse...Geez! Can we please add a little more to our plate? Well yes, certainly, let's get Cham a pump right before she goes off to 6th grade!! Woo. Hoo. We are waiting to see about the Dexcom CGM until she gets used to wearing the pump. I would love to be able to look at her levels hourly without pricking her. Especially with the scary aspects of the pump.

Her last visit to the Endo revealed that her A1C had gone from 7.6 to 7.3. Not too bad. She's grown since April's visit and I think she's grown even more in the past 2 weeks! Dr. Hwu likes her numbers but wants her to test before bed. A BAD habit she has developed, and we've let her continue to develop it. She eats late at night after dance so the "bed time" we would test her falls around 10 PM. I don't feel like testing her or waking her up at that point so we've let it go. But, NOT with the pump. We'll be testing every 4 hours in the beginning to make sure she's leveled out.  One thing Cham has figured out that she likes when she has a low at dance are the new Level Life glucose gels that give her 15 grams of carbs, but don't make her numbers crazy at the next meal like a juice box would. She learned this trick from her new favorite diabetic dancer, Ms. Catherine - The diabetic ballerina.

As soon as we know where we are with the pump process, I will post again. Thanks for reading!

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