The point of this kid, of course.

Chamberlyn's T1 Diabetes D-Day (Diagnosis Day) was October 19, 2010. I decided to start writing her story almost nine months later because managing her diabetes is what our family does best. We have our "highs" and "lows" when dealing with this confounding autoimmune disease, and I hope our posts can provide some insight on the daily life of a person with T1 diabetes.

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Honeymoon's Over...Probably.

For the past two months we've been playing "catch up" with her BG levels. Her numbers go up, we adjust the Lantus, they come down. A week later, they go up again we recalculate her I:CHO ratio, and they come down. Two weeks later...the numbers start climbing and the cycle starts again! The fact that we can't get a grip on it, tells me that her pancreas has decided to quit helping us out. I'm hoping that her readings over the past two months don't effect the outcome of us getting approved for a pump. I would think that her Endo would want to help us by giving us the opportunity to get her more evened out via the pump.

Venting time: I hate it when people pronounce it: "di uh beat us." I want to scream: it's not gonna "BEAT US", it's pronounced "beet eez." Honestly, with the numbers we've been chasing here lately, I feel like it's trying to "beat us," but the OCD in me is not going to let it. With the motivation of a number crunching family, and Cham's sad face when she sees a high number, we won't let it beat us. We've got this. Oh, and Pancreas...R.I.P.

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