The point of this kid, of course.

Chamberlyn's T1 Diabetes D-Day (Diagnosis Day) was October 19, 2010. I decided to start writing her story almost nine months later because managing her diabetes is what our family does best. We have our "highs" and "lows" when dealing with this confounding autoimmune disease, and I hope our posts can provide some insight on the daily life of a person with T1 diabetes.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

To pump or not to pump?

So I've researched a variety of pumps, requested tons of information, and even have a demo for Cham to try after we talk to our doctor. We currenty manage her diabetes with injections three times per day and are looking to reduce the amount of times she's poked each day. I'm still torn about the idea of her being "tethered" to something, especially since she's a dancer, and spends roughly 3 hours per day in a leo and tights. Where will she put it during dance? Will she feel different wearing it to school? She is, after all, the ONLY person with T1 at her school. Will the pump just make it worse? I read about the depression that can occur with some after they've worn one for a month or two. It supposedly "sinks in" that they are dealing with this for life...or until there's a cure. At the present moment, she's all about it and wants to try it. It's her T1 and she has a right to manage it as she pleases. The mommy in me wants to keep her happy, but what if the pump makes her unhappy? We go to the doctor in August and our plan is to ask if she feels Cham's a candidate for the pump. Until then...prick, poke, repeat.

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